Original Painting is SOLD
You can Pre- Order this Painting for your home and even customize it to your satisfaction. Just choose a size and leave details in the Order Notes. The Painting in the picture is a size 20x30 Canvas.
Comes ready to Hang and Varnished for protection.
Three sizes available:
20x30 Small Canvas
24x36 Medium Canvas
30x40 Large Canvas
*Please Advise shipping is a separate cost, estimated after purchase. Shipping cost is determined by weight and distance. It varies from $50-$150 depending on which size canvas you are looking for and your Location.*
Please include your Zipcode in the Order notes!
This Item is made to order. It may take about 3-7 weeks to complete depending on your place in line. All Custom Work is made in the order it was placed. We will contact you via Email or Phone with estimated timeframe and shipping price once purchased. Please keep in mind Art takes time and the process is better if not rushed. If you do have a specific date in mind please be sure to state that in the Note section and we will do our best to accommodate your request.